We Hope For Better Things; It Will Arise From The Ashes

Reliquary of the United States

A series with drawn houses and found collaged images which are used together to reinterpret the neutral space of maps

all images: black marker, vintage map, found image, 8" x 11", 2016

We Hope For Better Things; It Will Arise From The Ashes

We Hope For Better Things; It Will Arise From The Ashes

Nothing without Providence

Nothing without Providence

The Crossroads of America

The Crossroads of America

I Have Found It

I Have Found It

The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness

The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness

With good orderly direction All Things Are Possible

With good orderly direction All Things Are Possible

He Who Transplanted Sustains

He Who Transplanted Sustains

Freedom and Unity

Freedom and Unity

State Sovereignty, National Union

State Sovereignty, National Union

Through Reason Or By Force

Through Reason Or By Force

Under good orderly direction the People Rule

Under good orderly direction the People Rule

All for Our Country

All for Our Country

 IN good orderly direction WE TRUST

IN good orderly direction WE TRUST

Ever Upward

Ever Upward

In good orderly direction We Trust II

In good orderly direction We Trust II

By and by

By and by

I Direct

I Direct

She flies with her own wings

She flies with her own wings

Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty and Prosperity

By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty

By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty

good orderly direction enriches

good orderly direction enriches

Gold and silver

Gold and silver



Let us give thanks to God

Let us give thanks to God

By valor and arms

By valor and arms

Virtue, liberty, and independence

Virtue, liberty, and independence